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 So, what is Earthing anyway?


Earthing is the simple process of grounding our body to the

surface of the Earth. Whenever we are in direct contact with

the surface of the Earth we receive a charge of subtle energy

that stabilizes our body's bio-electrical system.


Why is Earthing so important?


The Earth provides us the food we eat, the water we drink and

the air we breathe. And now we know that it also provides

whole body healing, robust health and vitality, as well as

keeping us younger longer. Directly touching the earth is the

best anti-aging secret in the world. Who knew!


Nothing supports healing faster than connecting to the Earth's subtle energy. It is so powerful that it can heal every organ in our body. Earthing has always been around. Our ancestors were grounded as they ate, slept and walked. The Earth's natural, gentle electrical energy reduces pain and inflammation. Receiving a charge of subtle energy makes us feel better, sleep better and reduces stress


No matter what illness or health condition, what foods you eat or don't eat, how many hours you work, or how much stress you're under -- there is one thing you can do for yourself every day to recharge and that is to touch the Earth.


Ten minutes a day of Earthing is the fast track to optimum health and wellness 

of mind, heart, soul, and spirit.


Every Sunday at Libbey Park, in Ojai, I will demonstrate amazing healing and energizing techniques and exercises, as well as take you on an incredibly powerful meditation to connect to the heart of Divine Earth Mother. Your vibration of love combined with the love of Mother Earth is what can heal your mind, body, and Soul. As you create a vibration within you that is recognized by Gaia, realize that you will be protected no matter what's happening and under all circumstances.  


In just a few minutes a day, you can health and vitality can return to your natural state of love, joy, happiness, and wholeness of body and soul.


 To attend the Ojai Earthing Gathering, Click Here.


Natural Healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit

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